Performance reviews

Performance reviews

In today’s competitive market for top talent, performance reviews are essential to retention. Contrary to popular opinion, many employees actually look forward to their performance review. With the correct preparation and a positive mind set, you can use performance reviews to revive lacking motivation, learn more about the group dynamics of your team and deal with problems head-on.

Before the review

  • Preparation is essential. Gain insight into the outlook of your employee and ensure time is used efficiently.
  • Do not reschedule. Ensure the employee knows this is important to you and the business. Conduct the meeting first thing to avoid delays from competing demands and allow an hour for the review.
  • Be prepared to handle confrontation sympathetically. You may be required to communicate that the employee is failing in a particular aspect of the job.
  • Help your staff build a career map. This can help clarify your employee’s targets for career progression, and identify specific areas that require training.

Post-review action

It’s essential to make the action points actually happen and to be seen to be making them happen. The quickest way to lose valuable staff is to allow decisions made at reviews fall by the wayside.

If you would like to discuss any of these aspects of recruitment with one of our experts, please contact us.

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